As Believers, we are involved in spiritual warfare on a daily basis. Now, you may be thinking, “Brother Murphy, I am not fighting anything.” But the reason many of us do not realize that we are in battle is because we are only seeing things from a natural perspective.
However, I want to challenge your thinking regarding this matter. Even if we think the topic of spiritual warfare is too “deep,” that type of thinking will not stop our enemy from attacking us. Just as Heaven and Hell are real places, Satan, demons, and God’s angels also exist. Therefore, it is time that we recognize these facts and begin to gird ourselves up with the armor and weapons that we receive from the Word of God so that we can effectively fight— and win— the battle of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10).
The battles we fight against evil manifest through things we can see and feel in this natural realm. For instance, spiritual warfare shows up in the form of frustrations that we deal with in life, as well as through conversations with people whose negative words affect our thoughts.
The secret battles we fight may come in the form of addictive behaviors, causing uncontrolled emotional responses such as anger, or other negative emotions. Whatever the battle is, we should recognize that we are not really fighting against people. We are fighting against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, and against evil spirits in heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12, New Living Translation).
The good news is, we can always win these battles when we know who we are, whom we are fighting, and how to fight.
Satanic and demonic forces have a primary goal — to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). But Jesus came to this Earth and died for us so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Although we experience spiritual attacks, Jesus has given us authority over all the power and ability of Satan (Luke 10:19). However the problem is that many times we try to deal with the onslaughts of the enemy through natural means only.
This type of thinking opens the door to defeat. We cannot fight spiritual battles using our natural abilities. Although there are things we must do in the natural, we must also do the spiritual things, like spending time in prayer, and reading, studying, and confessing the Word of God.
We do not have to tolerate the attacks of the enemy because we have been given authority over the works of Satan in our lives. It is because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that we have been given the authority.
Therefore, as Believers, we can open our mouths and declare our authority by faith. We can boldly say, By the authority of Jesus Christ, and through and by His blood, I command you Satan to stop this attack! I command you to stop your maneuvers through this person or this situation.
When we know and use our authority, we are acknowledging and establishing our faith in who we are in Christ. You do not have to tolerate trouble. Choose, instead, to exercise your authority by speaking faith-filled words. When you boldly declare what you have a right to, demons and satanic forces will flee. This is the way we fight and win.
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