I have found, in times of pressure and persecution, that it is easy to see where Christians really stand with the Lord. I want to encourage you that whatever might come in the days ahead, to make the decision that you're in this to stay! You have to decide that there is NO TURNING BACK!
You're not in this just as long as everybody loves you. In fact, if the world loves you, you've got problems. Jesus said, "If you love me the world will hate you." If everybody in town is in love with you, then you're COMPROMISING somewhere.
Once you make Jesus the Lord of your life, there's nothing back there for you. Everything you desire is ahead of you, not behind you. The world does not have what you're looking for. If it did, you would never have come to Jesus.
You and I are living in a time when things are getting very sticky. Satan realizes that his days are numbered. He realizes that Jesus will return soon, which means he doesn't have much time to work.
It's time for the Body of Christ to grow up. It's time for us to become mature and make up our minds once and for all, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" If you have made the decision to put God first place in your life, to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then Jesus says you can't look back. You can't keep one eye on the world and one eye on God. You can't straddle the fence. In fact, the Bible says that God is a jealous God. He will not accept a divided heart from His people.
The closer we get to the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ, the more intense the attacks will become. At the same time, if we have our eyes on Jesus, and our hearts full of God's Word, then we're not going to grow weaker as the attacks intensify, but stronger. MAJOR ATTACKS WILL BRING MAJOR VICTORIES!
Jesus is not coming for a Church that is beat up, worn out, and half-dead. He's coming for a glorious and powerful Church. It will be a Church that is devastating Satan's camp and taking back what he has stolen from us. If the persecution is increasing, then rejoice! That just means the day is getting closer!
Notice what Jesus said about Paul, at the beginning of his ministry to Ananias: Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me... For I will show him how great things he must suffer for my Name's sake (Acts 9:15,16). The suffering Jesus was talking about was persecution. Even though Paul knew he would suffer from the very beginning, he put his hand to the plow and didn't look back.
At the end of his ministry, he could say: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith (2 Tim. 4:7). Paul is not boasting here but is simply saying, "I've been through many things for Jesus, but I've finished the course. I've kept the faith." You can sum all that up in four little words, "I HAVE NO REGRETS!"
You may not be at the end of your journey as Paul was, but you still may experience pressure and persecution. Don't consider looking back, but keep your hand to the plow. Make up your mind that you are going to go forward, no matter what comes against you. Then you'll be able to say, "I DIDN'T TURN BACK. I HAVE NO REGRETS!!"
Read: Luke 9:57-62; 2 Tim. 4:1-4
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